Play as Mo Bro, the entire level takes place on a handsome moustache!!
In recognition of Movember and men’s health awareness, we are proud to announce the latest magi-morf, Mo Bro, has joined the ranks of his Warp Wiz brethren. It’s really easy to unlock him, just follow the on-screen prompts to learn about movember, and you’re ready to roll. Mo Bro features an epic ‘stache and is decked out in the finest brown gentlemanly duds. The entire level takes place on a bed of the most finely groomed whiskers you’ll likely see. Mo Bro’s mega-spell, foul moustache, will unleash a flurry of gems — see if you can position yourself to collect the most by playing “chicken” with those nasty wraiths. A true test of manly pride. There are also rumours about town that this stage may contain an easter egg, can you find it?
Leaderboard activists, get busy. Mo Bro awaits you! Movember is almost upon us, but this update is here! See the video below, and download Warp Wiz now!